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Results for: 'no'

Mnogo boltaete

By: Europe, Views: 1682

Talk too much / Russian Federation

Open and close your hand like a beak in front of your mouth


By: Japan, Views: 1406

No / Japan

Cross your index finger in front of you


By: Europe, Views: 1472

No / United Kingdom, England

Index finger point up, sway tick sideways


By: Japan, Views: 5455

No / Japan

Make a cross with your arms. Exaggerated way of saying you are wrong/no


By: Japan, Views: 1789

No / Japan

One hand up like a prayer and shaking sideways. Face looks bit stern

Shimiru !

By: Japan, Views: 1441

It's spicy(food) / Japan

Gesture: Pinch the stem of your nose. Done when eating a food with Wasabi( radish). Slightly different sting from a hot pepper.


By: Japan, Views: 2430

Drink (alcohol) / Japan

Gesture: Appears like trying to drink from a small shot glass: Ochoko a Japanese sake cup.

Shimiru !

By: Japan, Views: 1496

It's spicy(food) / Japan

Gesture: Pinch the stem of your nose. Mostly done when you put too much "wasabi".

Kusai !

By: Japan, Views: 3093

Smells awful / Japan

Gesture: Pinch the base of your nose. Wave the air with the other hand.