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Results for: 'Japan: Bow'


By: Japan, Views: 5020

check, please / Japan

Make a cross with your index fingers and tap them few times. Creating a "Shime" character which means to close my bills.

Shimiru !

By: Japan, Views: 1243

It's spicy(food) / Japan

Gesture: Pinch the stem of your nose. Done when eating a food with Wasabi( radish). Slightly different sting from a hot pepper.

KuruKuru Pa~

By: Japan, Views: 4605

Stupid / Japan

Gesture: Make a circle with you fingers by your head and open your palms. Pa~, basically meaning empty, here referring to the brain.

Different meaning 3

By: sample1, Views: 1945

[Site Feature] / Global

Fanning motion is a bit complicated in Japan

Do you want to eat?

By: sample1, Views: 7958

[Site Feature] / Global

US uses the hand and Japan uses a chopstick to bring an imaginary food to the mouth.


By: Japan, Views: 1624

Want to eat? / Japan

Holding a bowl and a chopstick to eat

Damm it

By: sample1, Views: 2040

Other / Global

UK / USA : Tap forehead with palm of your hand Japan: Tap Temporal with knuckles

Different meaning 6

By: sample1, Views: 5644

[Site Feature] / Global

Thumb can mean different things US: Boss, Good job Japan: Male figure i.e. Boyfriend


By: Japan, Views: 4868

He's Gay / Japan

Gesture: Place the back of your right hand to you left cheek. A famous Geisha pose