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Results for: 'USA'

One moment

By: unitedstates, Views: 1515

One moment / United States

Bring the index finger in front of you.

Are you talking to me

By: unitedstates, Views: 1819

Are you talking to me? / United States

When referring to yourself, point at the chest

Are you talking to me?

By: unitedstates, Views: 7826

Are you talking to me? / United States

Point at chest

She's a devil

By: unitedstates, Views: 1366

Other / United States

Index finger sticking out from side of your head. An devil with thorns.


By: unitedstates, Views: 1768

How ? / United States

Raising both hands to the side, with a shrug shoulder


By: sample1, Views: 1363

[Site Feature] / Global

USA shrug their shoulders Japan shoulders are still

Do you have a spoon

By: unitedstates, Views: 1387

Other / United States

Holding a imaginary spoon and swirling it


By: unitedstates, Views: 1315

Boss / United States

Showing the thumb


By: unitedstates, Views: 3184

Silence,Quite please / United States

Putting the index finger on your lips